Why uPVC

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uPVC Benefits

uPVC is well known globally for its core benefits such as durability, withstanding a wind load up to 245KM per hour, sound proofing, water and air leakage and ther-mal properties, and upvc is quite a new product for commercial and residential projects, below are some more benefits.

  •  Give your project a luxury touch.
  •  Create a unique selling point in your project; thus help in advertising.
  •  Provide competitive edge.
  •  Zero dependence on carpenters, as all labor is outsourced.
  •  Installed only at the final stages of the building construction, it does not block funds.
  •  Minimal post-installation issues, no warping or seepages, etc.
  •  Best rates for upvc windows and doors could be worked out; on good volumes.
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